Thursday, March 17, 2011

TONIGHT! Open Show!

Wow!  I just got home from presenting some work at this months Open Show event hosted at SF CAMERAWORK.  I have to say I am on a little bit of a high from the event!  There was such a great turn out and I had the opportunity to see some really great work and meet some new people.

I had never been to or had submitted work to Open Show prior to this showing so I really didn't know what to expect.  Tonight there were 5 presenters including myself.  (Jennifer Emering, Keelan Sunglao, Curt Demafeliz and Andrei Riskin).  The event was educational and a great opportunity to show some work from a project I did about 2 years ago.
I had a few reasons to do this event.  One is because I will be in New York for the entire month of April showing my portfolio to potential clients and having the very same conversations with them as I did with the audience tonight.  Great practice!

The second was to show images from a shoot that you wouldn't be able to see by going to my website or blog.  The website/blog images are ultra edited down from my shoots making sure there is diversity and cutting out the repetition of too many similar images.

Viewing each of the presentations before me I quickly realized that my work was not going to fall into the same category as the rest.  I was going to be the only person to show work that was more on the commercial side.  It was produced.  It was styled.  Though, in the future, I would like to see more of a variety of types of work at the event, I really enjoyed the feed back and being able to talk to the audience.  I encourage anyone who would like to show their work to submit!  (Submit Here: Open Space)  

Overall, a great event and I am so glad I was chosen to be a part of it.  Thank you all for coming out to support.  I know I have already told you a million times over, but I really appreciate you!

Thank you!

Danielle Hall

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