What a roller coaster!
This photography game is serious business. I dont think I will ever get "use" to the ups and downs of this field but one thing is for certain, every time I have the tiniest inkling that this may not be for me something SMACKS me in the face and says, "Danielle... patience my dear!"
One of my most recent "smacks" was being invited to Wonderful Machine. Of all places, they found me on Twitter! I guess its not that hard to believe. I have my Facebook linked to my Twitter and LinkedIn accounts so whatever I post on one site goes to all 3.
I guess it just goes to show, you never know where Reps, AD's, CD's and AB's are looking to find talent. Everyone has their own interest. You just have to pick your favorite spots to be online and be diligent in putting yourself out there.
Anyone else have an online success story?
Alrighty! Lets see what the next couple of weeks bring!
Thanks for reading!
Danielle Hall
Represented by Wonderful Machine
oh dang I just saw this! "represented"??!!!!??!!? girrrrl u are with an agency now?! no wonder why u're so busy! :-) congrats!