Jack Kerouac Story! We really wanted to try something different. We liked that there was San Francisco history to it and so we searched for images of Jack that seemed to be the most reoccurring and interesting to the story we wanted to tell about a man who was uniquely unstructured and free spirited...but how far did we want to take his story and what would the parents think!?!
Wardrobe was VERY specific and so were the looks of the boys we needed to cast. Many thanks to those who allowed us to photograph in their space and a special thanks to Carey Olson over at Ford Models for helping us out with the casting!
Well, here you go! Be sure to check out the inspiration images at the bottom, too!
Brick Wall and Notebook:

“sketching the street with words”
Father Morissette quoted Mr. Ginsberg, “In his exquisite honesty, Jack Kerouac had the guts to live his ideas.”

---"The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow Roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes 'Awww,'" (about ‘On the Road”)
Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady:

Neal Cassady, considered "the real genius behind the Beat movement in literature" appeared as a main character in many books including Jack Kerouacs 'On The Road'. He was a major influence on Jacks writing style which became known as Spontaneous Prose.

"In April 1951 Kerouac threaded a huge roll of paper into his typewriter and wrote the single 175,000-word paragraph that became On The Road. The more than 100-foot scroll was written in three weeks but was not published for seven years."
Jack Portrait:

“I am the king of beats, but I’m not a beatnik”
Born: March 12, 1922
Lowell, Massachusetts
Died: October 21, 1969
St. Petersburg, Florida
Lowell, Massachusetts
Died: October 21, 1969
St. Petersburg, Florida
The Inspiration:

Thanks for reading,
Danielle Hall